Progress meeting Sunday 16th August 2009 - Hatherton House Hotel, Penkridge, Stafford
Presentation by Dr Nicolas Small A copy of this is available to all those that attended & available on request
Kernick questioned how the project would be funded
Nicolas Small explained that the adverts in the dog press regarding
the meeting had cost £250, the hire of the hall £100. Although there was approximately £1,500 in the fund
at the moment, more money would be needed. Professional advisors would cost in the region of £125 to £150 per
Bulldog lady (didn't give name) commented that there were plenty of animal charities prepared to fund health
projects. Their breed had received grants. She agreed that she would provide the name of their fund raiser for Progress to
contact for further information.
Anthea Everett suggested the Kennel Club Charitable Trust.
Christian Small remarked
that pet owners should be actively contacted
Vandy Williams thought it very important to work with other breeds
Oades questioned whether any other breeds were doing anything like Progress.
Nicolas Small confirmed that Progress were
producing handouts and the website
Mary Kernick asked would it help if letters were sent out to individuals
Small explained that the genetic testing would be confidential, there would be no need to give details of specific problems
Ann Morley asked the question that if test kits were sent out, how many people would take part in the testing
was a unanimous show of hands.
Christian Small thought this may be the olive branch that was needed, it was possible
that some people felt that they were "not allowed" to take part because of pressure from Progress opposition. He
questioned whether there would be any merit in contacting vets.
Nicolas Small suggested compiling a Pet Owners' register.
Surveys could be sent out all exhibitors and club secretaries, but there were limitations due to funds.
Anthea Everett
explained that many pet ownders did take part in the previous survey.
Ann Morley thought that there was an element of
Pekingese people that thought the Progress group just sat around talking, she felt that doing something positive, like genetic
testing, would be a way forward.
The bulldog lady raised the point care should be taken to avoid conflict with Data Protection.
Anthea Everett commented that before anything could be done, confirmation had to be obtained regarding the ability to ship
samples and the consent of vets.
Nicolas Small reminded the group that we were also looking for active evidence of agility
within the breed
Simone Small suggested agility competition video footage
Bill Chapman asked how we could get the
popularity of the Pekingese across to the media. Celebrity help would be useful, Stella McArtney had just purchased one
Nicolas Small outlined ten actions that had come from the meeting:-
Gene Testing
Appointment of an Illustrator
Register of Professional Advisors
Veterinary Advisor
Website revamp
Appoint a celebrity partron
footage on "you Tube" type internet
Pekes are healthy campaign
Actively register pet owners
Nicolas Small explained that Ken Anderson did not think he could continue to act as Chairperson. The management
group needed to be reformed. He suggested writing to people to ask for volunteers. He also asked whether the Health Committee
would be happy to allow Progress to contact their advisors.
Barry Offiler asked whether Nicolas was specifically talking
about the Chairperson.
Nicolas Small explained that there had been a proposal for Nicholas himself to take on the Chair
Anthea Everett asked the question how this would tie in with Nicholas' role as joint Breed Health Coordinator
Small was not aware of any conflict and thought he could wear "two hats"
Bill Chapman thought Nicolas would
be a good choice
Nicolas Small stressed the need for unity and holding out the olive branch, he had been elected to do
a job and he would do it to his best ability
Barry Offiler proposed Nicolas take up the role of Chairman for the Progress
Anthea Everett seconded this and there was a unanimous show of hands in favour
Chris Kernick commented that
Nicolas had a very important job and requested that should it get to much, he should say so.
A press statement was compiled.
From the first draft, Anthea Everett thought it best to include greater detail about the gene testing programme, Christian
Small felt it essential to emphasise that the group was open to all peke enthusiasts, Chris Kernick thought that Progress
should be specific about supporting the Pekingese Club Sketchley Grange Conference.
Meeting closed 13:58